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What is a nutrition and health coach? As a Nutrition and Health coach, I am a professional who guides you towards better eating habits and lifestyle choices to improve your overall health and wellbeing. I help you to create a personalised plan based on your unique needs and goals.

How does the nutrition and health coaching process work? The process begins with an 90 minute initial consultation to discuss your health history, dietary preferences, and wellness goals. From there, we'll develop a customised plan that may include meal planning, grocery shopping guides, and lifestyle adjustments. Regular follow-up sessions will help track your progress and make any necessary changes.

How do I get start working with you? Getting started is easy! Just contact me to book a free 30 minute discovery call, and we'll take it from there.

Do you offer virtual coaching? Yes, I provide virtual coaching sessions via Zoom to accommodate your schedule and location preferences. In-person sessions are held with clients in the County Meath area.

Do I have to follow a specific diet? No, my approach is not about strict dieting but rather about making sustainable changes that fit your lifestyle. I focus on nourishing your body with whole foods and finding balance in your eating habits.

What if I have dietary restrictions or food allergies? I am experienced in working with clients who have various dietary needs, including restrictions and allergies. Your plan will be tailored to accommodate these requirements while ensuring you receive a balanced diet.

Can a nutrition and health coach help with weight loss? Yes, absolutely! While weight loss is not the sole focus, it is a common goal for many clients. We'll work together to create a plan that promotes a healthy weight loss without compromising your nutritional intake.

Do you provide meal plans? I can support you with meal plans offering personalised guidance tailored to your specific dietary needs and health goals. Whether it's improving digestive health, boosting energy levels or weight management, I can help you design a meal plan suited to you. Adjustments to meal plans can be made as needed ensuring that you always stay on track towards your health goals.

Do you share recipes? I can provide personalised recipe ideas that align with your nutrition needs and health goals. As part of my initial consultations, I complete a food diary analysis and help you to create a nutrition plan that includes a variety of recipes.

Gut Health FAQ

Why is my stomach always bloated? Bloating can be caused by a number of factors, eating habits, dietary triggers that may cause discomfort. I can work with you to identify the cause of your bloating and help identify potential dietary triggers. It's all about creating a personalised approach that addresses your bloating concerns.

What is the best way to treat constipation? Constipation can be caused due to low fibre intake or by insufficient hydration. I work with clients to identify dietary choices that may be contributing to the issue. Creating a personalised nutrition plan that includes plenty of fluids, fruits and vegetables and whole grains can help promote regular bowel movements. Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise can enhance digestive health.

Perimenopause FAQ

What are the early signs of menopause? The early signs of menopause can vary, but commonly include irregular periods, hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, and weight gain. This phase is known as perimenopause. Personalised nutrition can be a valuable ally during this transition offering you personalised dietary choices that support hormone balance and overall wellbeing. I can support you with strategies to manage symptoms through nutrition, exercise and stress reduction techniques.

How can I prepare for menopause? You can prepare for menopause by focusing on a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. A balanced diet will help to promote hormone balance and support your overall wellbeing. Working with a health coacn can provide you with support and accountability navigating this transition with greater ease and confidence.

What is the best diet for menopause? No 2 women will have the same journey to menopause so there is no one size fits all diet for menopause. However, you should create a nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle and health goals. That's where I can support you to provide personalised advice on how to adjust your diet to manage symptoms during this stage of life.

Sports Nutrition FAQ

How to optimise diet for athletic performance? Working with a nutrition and health coach can be a game changer for someone looking to optimise their diet for athletic performance. I can provide a wealth of knowledge on how to tailor nutrition plans that cater to your goals. I can help you maintain peak physical condition and recover faster from training and competitions.

What are the best pre-workout meals for athletes? Pre workout meals should be consumed 1- 4 hours before training and should consist of low GI foods and be easy on your digestive system. I can help provide you with personalised advice on the right balance of macronutrients, crucial for an effective workout. I can help you plan your meal timings and portion sizes to ensure the body has enough usable energy to enhance your workout performance and recovery.

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